Dig Deeper ThetaHealing® Course
In this 2 day course you‘ll learn the different techniques of ThetaHealing® digging, including, but not limited to:
Learn 8 different ways of digging to reveal the different underlying causes under fear, resentment and the different emotional traumas and physical illnesses
Learn the key steps of digging to enable yourself and your future clients to heal
Discover common gotchas of digging
How to clear your own blockages of digging and healing, so that you can become an effective healer
Over 10 hours of learning and healing practice
Prerequisites: Basic DNA, Advanced DNA
In this 2 day course you‘ll learn the different techniques of ThetaHealing® digging, including, but not limited to:
Learn 8 different ways of digging to reveal the different underlying causes under fear, resentment and the different emotional traumas and physical illnesses
Learn the key steps of digging to enable yourself and your future clients to heal
Discover common gotchas of digging
How to clear your own blockages of digging and healing, so that you can become an effective healer
Over 10 hours of learning and healing practice
Prerequisites: Basic DNA, Advanced DNA
In this 2 day course you‘ll learn the different techniques of ThetaHealing® digging, including, but not limited to:
Learn 8 different ways of digging to reveal the different underlying causes under fear, resentment and the different emotional traumas and physical illnesses
Learn the key steps of digging to enable yourself and your future clients to heal
Discover common gotchas of digging
How to clear your own blockages of digging and healing, so that you can become an effective healer
Over 10 hours of learning and healing practice
Prerequisites: Basic DNA, Advanced DNA